DIY Storage for Fine Art Paintings

art studio of Teresa Bernard
My paintings are everywhere!

I'm retired from the workforce now, and that ways I have more than time to pigment. I go to paint as much equally I want, whenever I want. However, at present I notice myself in a situation where I need more than infinite to store all these paintings until they go to their new homes. I designed a lightweight yet sturdy fine art storage rack to shop my fine fine art creations to remedy this.

A "Do-It-Yourself" Solution for Storing My Fine Art Creations

Pictured here is the art storage rack. My husband helped me build information technology.

fine art painting storage
My DIY storage rack for all the paintings I'm creating. As you can come across, I have room to add more.

Nosotros used one/ii″ PVC pipe and the appropriate fittings to bring it all together. The overall size is approximately 3ft wide x 3ft tall 10 2ft deep. Neither my husband nor I had always worked with PVC before, and so it was a bit of a learning experience for the states, though not a difficult i. It wasn't hard to build; it merely took some thought as we were constructing it. The only tool required for this project was a PVC pipage cutter. And one time the various pieces were ready, the assembly was quick and like shooting fish in a barrel. I now have a sturdy DIY storage rack that works for my paintings and bare canvases.

What do you think of my solution? I'm satisfied with how the rack turned out. I'm quite confident you could build something similar if y'all decide to go the same route equally me.

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UPDATED: 23 May 2021

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